La Sosta

Nürnberger Str. 243, 96050 Bamberg, Deutschland




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Dirk Klerne -

Gute Küche auch Thailändisches Essen gibt es hier frisch zubereitet. Sehr freundlicher Service und vernünftige Preise. Heute gibt es gebratene Reisnudeln mit Wok Gemüse.

Andreas Schmitt -

Endlich wieder eine super Küche mit echt leckeren Angeboten ? vor Corona immer eine beliebte Anlaufstelle für uns gewesen um was leckeres in angenehmer Atmosphäre zu genießen "schade das unsere Mutti nicht mehr da ist" ? leider nach kurzer öffnungszeit war die Küche nicht so dolle... ABER☝️ Die Mädels dort sind super auf zack und rocken den Laden perfekt ? super lecker,die Karte rauf und runter und die tagesgerichte immer top?? macht weiter so Mädels ?? eure Reifenschubser von Nebenan?

Michael Nish -

Having missed eating lunch during our normal lunch hours, we stopped here for our late lunch on our way home. It's a cafeteria-style restaurant, so you order and pay at the cashier at the entrance. You can bring your own drinks to your table. La Sosta actually is located inside Pilipp furniture / household goods / home deco store. Menu items are somewhat limited, and on the day and time we came here they were offering: schnitzel, currywurst and pad thai. We ordered two pad thai plates. After ordering them, one of the cooks came to our table and let us know they only had enough rice noodles for one plate and asked us if we didn't mind one with wheat noodles. We agreed. Pad Thai was very good. Service was very fast and courteous. Restaurant was not crowded and very quiet except occasional customer transactions and dispensing of espresso and such since our table was located near the cashier / drink booth. It's a good find. You can almost always find a eatery at a decent-sized furniture store around here - very convenient.

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Nürnberger Str. 243, 96050 Bamberg, Deutschland

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